Create Digital
within seconds!

Try for Free

About Us

We are team of passionate problem servers, we enjoy solving real world problems using modern technologies.

Affordable Deals

We offer the competitive prices, vaule over money

Easy Use

Just seconds, to make invitaions with easy interaction

Market Research

We do market research and customer acceptance test, to make product improvements ever day

We create, test and launch.

We produce best prodcuts to the customers, by doing innovative ideas and launch to public, after intensive rounds of test.

We love to collect feedback from the customers, and works on the product improvement everyday

We work behind you, and for you!

Are you not sure about how to create digital invitaions and share with the world in seconds

We design, test and launch the best version of digital invitation templates, which are accepted by all around the world.

Just seconds, Yeah! It just takes seconds to create the digital invitaion by your own.


We offer modern solutions in this digital world, to help you create and share digital invitaions in seconds.

Lifetime Free

Create preview digital invitions, which are lifetime time

Event Template

Just choose an event, we provide best suited temmplate for you

Quick Fill

We collect only the required data for event quickly

We value your seconds

Just select event and click create, we launch digital invitaion for you in seconds

Share with World

You can share the digital invitaion to any place in the world

Event Updates

We notify all the customers about event updates in seconds

Why choose us?

We provide modern solutions in this digital world, to help you create and share digital invitaions in seconds.


Have a look at available events and their templates


Choose the best suited event from the curated events


Create, within seconds you'll be provided digital invitaion




Live Event Invitation


Trail Event Invitations





  • 5 Active invitaions
  • Default Pictures
  • 45days validity
₹0 Free


  • Choose subdomain
  • Customize pictures
  • 90days validaity
₹9999₹999 Free trial


  • Share event pics
  • Notify updates
₹49999₹9999 Free trial

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